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Acute Elbow Trauma
Fractures and Dislocation Injuries
Springer International Publishing
Erscheinungsjahr 04.02.2019
ISBN 978-3-319-97848-2
Preis 139,09 (inkl. 7% Mwst)

This volume focuses on acute trauma to the adult elbow, including fractures, dislocations, tendon ruptures, and vascular and nerve injuries. Each chapter addresses anatomical key features, surgical and conservative therapeutic procedures, postoperative regimes and complication strategies. International elbow experts explore a range of surgical approaches, the usage of modern implants, advances in surgical techniques, and pearls and pitfalls for each trauma entity. Moreover, the authors describe total elbow arthroplasty and radial head replacement in detail, outline current clinical outcomes, and provide recommendations for therapeutic approaches and salvage measures. The book enables the orthopedic surgeon to deal with the entire spectrum of acute simple and complex elbow injuries in adults.


“From a very broad perspective, the book targets clinicians, particularly orthopedic surgeons who care for patients with acute elbow injuries. … I found the book to be a great addition to my personal library of books targeting elbow injuries. This book is brief and efficient but also provides current, up‐to‐date, global knowledge on this topic. It is also a wonderful complement to this series, which serves as a great orthopedic trauma reference.” (Mark R Hutchinson, Doody's Book Reviews, May 10, 2019)