Scholarly Sale 2018: Springer Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Jura, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften >> > Christian Theology

Scholarly Sale 2018: Springer Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Jura, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften

Scholarly Sale 2018: Springer Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Jura, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften

Studium Fachbücher zum Aktionspreis

Scholarly Sale: Jetzt stark reduzierte Angebote bis zu 50% Rabatt auf Bücher der Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Jura, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen dieses Jahr ausgewählte Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Jura, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften-Bücher im Scholarly Sale bei TU-BOOKS anbieten zu können.

William Lane Craig, Biola University, La Mirada, CA, USA
The Coherence of Theism: Aseity
Springer International Publishing
Seiten XV, 540 p. 6 illus.
Erscheinungsjahr 2017
ISBN 978-3-319-55383-2
Regular Price (Scholarly Sale Expired)
(inkl. 7% Mwst)
This book is an exploration and defense of the coherence of classical theism’s doctrine of divine aseity in the face of the challenge posed by Platonism with respect to abstract objects. A synoptic work in analytic philosophy of religion, the book engages discussions in philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of language, metaphysics, and metaontology. It addresses absolute creationism, non-Platonic realism, fictionalism, neutralism, and alternative logics and semantics, among other topics. The book offers a helpful taxonomy of the wide range of options available to the classical theist for dealing with the challenge of Platonism. It probes in detail the diverse views on the reality of abstract objects and their compatibility with classical theism. It contains a most thorough discussion, rooted in careful exegesis, of the biblical and patristic basis of the doctrine of divine aseity. Finally, it challenges the influential Quinean metaontological theses concerning the way in which we make ontological commitments.


Part 1. The Problematic.- Chapter 1. Introduction.- Chapter 2. Theology Proper and Abstract Objects.- Chapter 3. The Indispensability Argument for Platonism.- Part 2. Realist Solutions.- Chapter 4. Absolute Creationism.- Chapter 5. Non-Platonic Realism.- Part 3. Anti-Realist Solutions.- Chapter 6. Alternative Logics and Semantics.- Chapter 7. Fictionalism.- Chapter 8. Ultima Facie Interpretive Strategies.- Chapter 9. Pretense Theory.- Chapter 10. Neo-Meinongianism.- Chapter 11. Neutralism.- Part 4. Conclusion.- Chapter 12. Concluding Remarks.

Scholarly Sale 2018: Springer Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Jura, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften >> > Christian Theology



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