Scholarly Sale 2018: Springer Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Jura, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften >> > History of Medicine

Scholarly Sale 2018: Springer Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Jura, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften

Scholarly Sale 2018: Springer Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Jura, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften

Studium Fachbücher zum Aktionspreis

Scholarly Sale: Jetzt stark reduzierte Angebote bis zu 50% Rabatt auf Bücher der Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Jura, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen dieses Jahr ausgewählte Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Jura, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften-Bücher im Scholarly Sale bei TU-BOOKS anbieten zu können.

Suman Fernando, London Metropolitan University, London, UK
Race Matters in Mental Health
Springer International Publishing
Seiten XIX, 209 p. 1 illus.
Erscheinungsjahr 2017
ISBN 978-3-319-62727-4
Regular Price (Scholarly Sale Expired)
(inkl. 7% Mwst)
This book examines the deep roots of racism in the mental health system. Suman Fernando weaves the histories of racial discourse and clinical practice into a narrative of power, knowledge, and black suffering in an ostensibly progressive and scientifically grounded system. Drawing on a lifetime of experience as a practicing psychiatrist, he examines how the system has shifted in response to new forms of racism which have emerged since the 1960s, highlighting the widespread pathologization of black people, the impact of Islamophobia on clinical practice after 9/11, and various struggles to reform. Engaging and accessible, this book makes a compelling case for the entrenchment of racism across all aspects of psychiatry and clinical psychology, and calls for a paradigm shift in both theory and practice.


1. Introduction.- 2. How 'race' began, and the emergence of psychiatry and clinical psychology.- 3. Race thinking and racism become the norm.- 4. New racisms appear in the 1960s.- 5. Racism in a context of multiculturalism.- 6. Struggle against racism in the UK.- 7. Persistence of racism through white power.- 8. Racism post 9/11.- 9. Racism with the advent of Trump and after Brexit.

F. Collyer
Palgrave Macmillan UK
Seiten XXX, 710 p.
Erscheinungsjahr 2015
ISBN 978-1-137-35561-4
Regular Price (Scholarly Sale Expired)
(inkl. 7% Mwst)
This wide-reaching handbook offers a new perspective on the sociology of health, illness and medicine by stressing the importance of social theory. Examining a range of classic and contemporary female and male theorists from across the globe, it explores various issues including chronic illness, counselling and the rising problems of obesity.


1. The Sociology of Health, Illness and Medicine: Institutional Progress and Theoretical Frameworks ; Fran Collyer and Graham Scambler PART I: THE 19TH CENTURY THEORISTS 2. Harriet Martineau and Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Forgotten Women in the Study of Gender and Health?; Ellen Annandale 3. Karl Marx and Frederich Engels: Capitalism, Health and the Healthcare Industry; Fran Collyer 4. Florence Nightingale: A Research-Based Approach to Health, Healthcare and Hospital Safety; Lynn McDonald 5. Émile Durkheim: Social Order and Public Health; Kevin Dew 6. Émile Durkheim and Thomas Luckmann: Religion, Spirituality and Mental Health; Rosemary Aird 7. George Herbert Mead: Meanings and Selves in Illness; Linda Liska Belgrave and Kathy Charmaz 8. Max Weber: Bureaucracy, Formal Rationality and the Modern Hospital; William C Cockerham PART II: THE EARLY 20TH CENTURY THEORISTS 9. Ludwik Fleck: Thought Collectives and the Sociology of Medical Knowledge; Kevin White 10. Norbert Elias and Erving Goffman: Civilised-Dramaturgical Bodies, Social Status and Health Inequalities; Peter Freund 11. Alfred Schutz: The Co-Construction of Meaning Within Professional-Patient Interaction; Patrick Brown 12. Antonio Gramsci and Pierre Bourdieu: 'Whiteness' and Indigenous Healthcare; Angela Durey PART III: THE MID 20TH CENTURY THEORISTS 13. Talcott Parsons: His Legacy and the Sociology of Health and Illness; Evan Willis 14. Robert Merton: Occupational Roles, Social Status and Health Inequalities; Johannes Siegrist 15. George Libman Engel: The Biopsychosocial Model and the Construction of Medical Practice; Marilys Guillemin and Emma Barnard 16. Harold Garfinkel: Lessons on Emergent Behaviours in Complex Organisations; Peter Nugus and Jeffrey Braithwaite 17. Meg Stacey: The Sociology of Health and Healing; Hannah Bradby 18. Erving Goffman: The Moral Career of Stigma and Mental Illness; Bernice Pescosolido 19. Eliot Freidson: Sociological Narratives of Professionalism and Modern Medicine; Michael Calnan 20. Ivan Illich and Irving Kenneth Zola: Disabling Medicalisation; Joseph E Davis 21. Michel Foucault: Governmentality, Health Policy and the Governance of Childhood Obesity; Julie Henderson 22. Niklas Luhmann: Social Systems Theory and the Translation of Public Health Research; Samantha Meyer, Barry Gibson and Paul Ward 23. Jürgen Habermas: Health and Healing Across the Lifeworld-System Divide; Graham Scambler 24. Pierre Bourdieu: Health Lifestyles, the Family and Social Class; Kate Huppatz PART IV: THE LATE 20TH CENTURY AND THEORISTS OF THE PRESENT 25. Colin Leys and Colin Hay: Market-Driven Politics and the Depoliticisation of Healthcare; Heather Whiteside 26. Vicente Navarro: Marxism, Medical Dominance, Healthcare and Health; David Coburn 27. Anthony Giddens: Structuration, Drug Use, Food Choice and Long-Term Illness; Jonathan Gabe and Joana Almeida 28. Anthony Giddens: The Reflexive Self and the Consumption of Alternative Medicine; Katie Hughes 29. Anthony Giddens: Risk, Globalisation and Indigenous Public Health; Eileen Willis and Meryl Pearce 30. William C Cockerham: The Sociology of Health Lifestyles; Brian Hinote 31. George Ritzer: Rationalisation, Consumerism and the McDonaldisation of Surgery; Justin Waring and Simon Bishop 32. Julia Kristeva: Abjection, Embodiment and Boundaries; Trudy Rudge 33. Magali Sarfatti-Larson and Anne Witz: Professional Projects, Class and Gender; Ivy Bourgeault 34. Raewyn Connell: Hegemonic Masculinities, Gender and Male Health; John Scott 35. Raewyn Connell: Gender, Health and Healthcare; Maree Herrett and Toni Schofield 36. Donna Haraway: The Digital Cyborg Assemblage and the New Digital Health Technologies; Deborah Lupton 37. Mike Bury: Biographical Disruption and Long-Term and Other Health Conditions; Louise Locock and Sue Ziebland 38. Bryan S Turner: Bringing Bodies and Citizenship Into the Discussion of Disability; Gary

F. Collyer
Palgrave Macmillan UK
Seiten XXX, 710 p.
Erscheinungsjahr 2015
ISBN 978-1-349-47022-8
Regular Price (Scholarly Sale Expired)
(inkl. 7% Mwst)
This wide-reaching handbook offers a new perspective on the sociology of health, illness and medicine by stressing the importance of social theory. Examining a range of classic and contemporary female and male theorists from across the globe, it explores various issues including chronic illness, counselling and the rising problems of obesity.


1. The Sociology of Health, Illness and Medicine: Institutional Progress and Theoretical Frameworks ; Fran Collyer and Graham Scambler PART I: THE 19TH CENTURY THEORISTS 2. Harriet Martineau and Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Forgotten Women in the Study of Gender and Health?; Ellen Annandale 3. Karl Marx and Frederich Engels: Capitalism, Health and the Healthcare Industry; Fran Collyer 4. Florence Nightingale: A Research-Based Approach to Health, Healthcare and Hospital Safety; Lynn McDonald 5. Émile Durkheim: Social Order and Public Health; Kevin Dew 6. Émile Durkheim and Thomas Luckmann: Religion, Spirituality and Mental Health; Rosemary Aird 7. George Herbert Mead: Meanings and Selves in Illness; Linda Liska Belgrave and Kathy Charmaz 8. Max Weber: Bureaucracy, Formal Rationality and the Modern Hospital; William C Cockerham PART II: THE EARLY 20TH CENTURY THEORISTS 9. Ludwik Fleck: Thought Collectives and the Sociology of Medical Knowledge; Kevin White 10. Norbert Elias and Erving Goffman: Civilised-Dramaturgical Bodies, Social Status and Health Inequalities; Peter Freund 11. Alfred Schutz: The Co-Construction of Meaning Within Professional-Patient Interaction; Patrick Brown 12. Antonio Gramsci and Pierre Bourdieu: 'Whiteness' and Indigenous Healthcare; Angela Durey PART III: THE MID 20TH CENTURY THEORISTS 13. Talcott Parsons: His Legacy and the Sociology of Health and Illness; Evan Willis 14. Robert Merton: Occupational Roles, Social Status and Health Inequalities; Johannes Siegrist 15. George Libman Engel: The Biopsychosocial Model and the Construction of Medical Practice; Marilys Guillemin and Emma Barnard 16. Harold Garfinkel: Lessons on Emergent Behaviours in Complex Organisations; Peter Nugus and Jeffrey Braithwaite 17. Meg Stacey: The Sociology of Health and Healing; Hannah Bradby 18. Erving Goffman: The Moral Career of Stigma and Mental Illness; Bernice Pescosolido 19. Eliot Freidson: Sociological Narratives of Professionalism and Modern Medicine; Michael Calnan 20. Ivan Illich and Irving Kenneth Zola: Disabling Medicalisation; Joseph E Davis 21. Michel Foucault: Governmentality, Health Policy and the Governance of Childhood Obesity; Julie Henderson 22. Niklas Luhmann: Social Systems Theory and the Translation of Public Health Research; Samantha Meyer, Barry Gibson and Paul Ward 23. Jürgen Habermas: Health and Healing Across the Lifeworld-System Divide; Graham Scambler 24. Pierre Bourdieu: Health Lifestyles, the Family and Social Class; Kate Huppatz PART IV: THE LATE 20TH CENTURY AND THEORISTS OF THE PRESENT 25. Colin Leys and Colin Hay: Market-Driven Politics and the Depoliticisation of Healthcare; Heather Whiteside 26. Vicente Navarro: Marxism, Medical Dominance, Healthcare and Health; David Coburn 27. Anthony Giddens: Structuration, Drug Use, Food Choice and Long-Term Illness; Jonathan Gabe and Joana Almeida 28. Anthony Giddens: The Reflexive Self and the Consumption of Alternative Medicine; Katie Hughes 29. Anthony Giddens: Risk, Globalisation and Indigenous Public Health; Eileen Willis and Meryl Pearce 30. William C Cockerham: The Sociology of Health Lifestyles; Brian Hinote 31. George Ritzer: Rationalisation, Consumerism and the McDonaldisation of Surgery; Justin Waring and Simon Bishop 32. Julia Kristeva: Abjection, Embodiment and Boundaries; Trudy Rudge 33. Magali Sarfatti-Larson and Anne Witz: Professional Projects, Class and Gender; Ivy Bourgeault 34. Raewyn Connell: Hegemonic Masculinities, Gender and Male Health; John Scott 35. Raewyn Connell: Gender, Health and Healthcare; Maree Herrett and Toni Schofield 36. Donna Haraway: The Digital Cyborg Assemblage and the New Digital Health Technologies; Deborah Lupton 37. Mike Bury: Biographical Disruption and Long-Term and Other Health Conditions; Louise Locock and Sue Ziebland 38. Bryan S Turner: Bringing Bodies and Citizenship Into the Discussion of Disability; Gary

Scholarly Sale 2018: Springer Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Jura, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften >> > History of Medicine



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